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Launched in February 2024 for National Children's Dental Health Month, our team was tasked with creating a diverse tooth fairy team appealing to all ages. This collaborative effort between 2 major clients, became a successfully creative way for our team to exercise world-building and narrative storytelling, giving our clients the potential to go beyond the still image with animation capabilities. 



Born into a long legacy of anti-plaque defenders, she has been tasked with guiding her fellow oral protectors in preserving the sacred land of the mouth. A natural-born leader, she enjoys group sports like soccer and in her free time loves painting with a toothbrush. 




As the newest addition to this group, he brings a fresh and lively energy, often being the peacekeeper between his friends and even providing some comedic relief. With his "go with the flow sort of attitude", his favorite activities include surfing and stand-up comedy. 



While not always appreciated, Akeelah hails from an ancient nomadic clan with a knack for creating objects out of string-like materials (like floss). With her attention to detail, she enjoys crafting and creating art with natural materials. When Akeelah is not working with her hands, you can find her nose in a good book. 


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